Libraries Taking a Lead


  • Peter Anthony Arthur-Smith Leadership Solutions, Inc



Leadership Development


At the April 22nd, 2021, ALA Monthly Webinar meeting led by President Julius Jefferson, we heard several incredible stories about how many US libraries had connected with their local communities to offset the effects of the pandemic. Then, in his Making a Difference article in the May 2021 American Libraries edition, he highlighted the $7.2 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund recently passed by Congress that includes funding for library services related to devices and broadband internet for library patrons. The combination of both underscores what can be accomplished by community libraries, as well as what can potentially be achieved by community library leaders and their teams with this incredible new funding. It’s a once in a generation opportunity not to be wasted.

Author Biography

Peter Anthony Arthur-Smith, Leadership Solutions, Inc

Peter Arthur-Smith is the Founding Principal of Leadership Solutions, Inc®, New York, which offers groundbreaking organizational tools and practices that can position executives to become Enlightened Leaders. He is also an expert meeting facilitator. Originally from the UK, he has worked in the US for over 30 years and visited all but five US states. Earlier he was a British army officer and a senior consultant for an international consulting firm (Mercuri Urval), which now operates in 30+ countries. He has authored the book- “Smart Decisions: Goodbye Problems, Hello Options” - and is consumed writing another, “Constructive Leadership Disruption: Embracing Five ‘New World’ Organization Opportunities.” He has spoken to CEO/Executive groups across the USA.




How to Cite

Arthur-Smith, P. A. (2021). Libraries Taking a Lead. Library Leadership & Management, 35(3).


