Too Many Spoons: Library Workers and Disabilities


  • Anita Siraki Independent



disability, management, accommodations, organizational development, diversity, inclusion


A desk attendant gestures in my direction where I am waiting for an interview at a library on campus. I am nervous. My hand is shaking over my assistive device. Beside the desk attendant stands an impeccably dressed, tall woman who adjusts her glasses. “Where is she sitting?” “There, near the gray couches,” the desk attendant answers. She leans over and says, “It’s that person with the assistive device,” as if she’s trying not to out me as a leper. Any person with a disability reading this who has applied for jobs and gone on interviews has experienced some version of the above exchange. You arrive for an interview, something you feel fortunate for, and think for a split second “They want me! I could be hired here!” Only once you get there, staff members look you over, silently deciding for themselves how much your disability limits what you can and can’t do, walking too quickly and expecting you to keep up, and worst of all, making judgments without speaking to you. The above experience has happened to me at academic libraries, public libraries, and other institutions.

Author Biography

Anita Siraki, Independent

Anita E. Siraki is a librarian and independent scholar who graduated from the University of Toronto with a Master of Information in Library & Information Science. She completed a specialization in Book History and Print Culture where she examined mid-19th century American female authors focusing on Harriet Beecher Stowe and the popularity of Uncle Tom’s Cabin. As Webmaster for the Centre for Renaissance and Reformation Studies at the EJ Pratt Library, she participated in several digitization projects. In addition, she is a reviewer for Booklist, Library Journal and other trade publications. She was awarded the Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Scholarship from the Horror Writers’ Association in 2017.




How to Cite

Siraki, A. (2021). Too Many Spoons: Library Workers and Disabilities. Library Leadership & Management, 35(3).


