Using a Shared Leadership Model to Transition to a New ILS & Discovery Service: A Case Study.


  • Doris J. Van Kampen-Breit Saint Leo University
  • Darla Asher Saint Leo University
  • Elizabeth Henry Saint Leo University
  • Brent Short Saint Leo University



Shared Leadership Model, team, migration


This is a case study of one university library’s transition to a new, cloud-based integrated library system using a shared leadership model. The authors provide a brief introduction to the shared leadership model, and discuss the value of a team approach for selecting and implementing the new system, as well as the leadership role of key team members during the migration and transition periods, the criteria used when selecting the new discovery service, the implementation process, and what changed for the patrons and the library once the transition was completed. The article concludes with a summary of positive and negative outcomes as well as helpful and important recommendations to libraries that may be planning a similar transition.

Author Biographies

Doris J. Van Kampen-Breit, Saint Leo University

Doris Van Kampen-Breit, Professor Faculty Development Librarian Daniel A Cannon Memorial Library

Darla Asher, Saint Leo University

Darla Asher Online Resources Librarian Daniel A Cannon Memorial Library

Elizabeth Henry, Saint Leo University

Elizabeth Henry, Associate Professor Technical Services Librarian Daniel A Cannon Memorial Library

Brent Short, Saint Leo University

Brent Short, Director Daniel A Cannon Memorial Library Saint Leo University




How to Cite

Van Kampen-Breit, D. J., Asher, D., Henry, E., & Short, B. (2016). Using a Shared Leadership Model to Transition to a New ILS & Discovery Service: A Case Study. Library Leadership & Management, 30(2).



Peer Reviewed