Call for Proposals: LL&M Special Issue on Middle Management


Library Leadership and Management, an ALA Core publication and a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal, is soliciting submissions for both peer-reviewed and editor-reviewed featured articles for our special issue on middle management. Topics of interest to middle management issues in libraries may include, but are not limited to:

  • Managing up and down the organization 
  • Managing conflict 
  • Managing budgets and/or resource allocation issues
  • Empowering others and/or mentoring
  • Training and support for middle managers
  • Practicing/Modeling self-care and/or dealing with stress
  • Role identity within the organization
  • Balancing the demands of leadership and followership simultaneously
  • Motivating others and dealing with issues of morale 
  • Team based organizational management 
  • Informal management roles and leading through influence.

We strongly encourage proposals from individuals of all ethnicities, races, countries of origin, gender identities and expressions, ages, abilities, religions, sexual orientations, economic backgrounds, scholarly and professional backgrounds and experiences, types and sizes of institutions, and other differences. We are committed to amplifying and highlighting lived experiences from these different perspectives as they relate to leadership and management.

Accepted articles are anticipated to be published in the final Library Leadership and Management issue for 2024. Expressions of interest for this special issue are due May 31 via the proposal form. Once approved for the issue, completed articles will be due to the guest editors August 31, 2024. 

Instructions for Authors and other journal information can be found here.

Further inquires can be directed to the guest editors:

Gina Costello, Louisiana State University,

Kellie Barbato, SUNY Brockport,